Sumatra chicken - Wikipedia
The Sumatra is a European and North American breed of chicken. It derives from birds imported in the nineteenth century from the island of Sumatra in Indonesia as fighting cocks.
Sumatra Chicken: Everything You Need To Know - The Happy …
2022年5月10日 · As mentioned previously, the Sumatra chicken is a small breed with roosters weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs, while hens tip the scale at about 4lbs. These tiny weights qualify the Sumatra as a Bantam.
Sumatra Chicken – A Rare Exhibition Bird - Rural Living Today
2024年9月4日 · Sumatra chickens have a personality more like a wild game bird than a chicken. Yet, these chickens are stunning. The black Sumatra chickens break the look of a typical chicken. You will find both black Sumatra hens and black Sumatra roosters with iridescent tones along the feather’s ends. Many people do not know about Sumatra chickens.
Sumatra Chicken: Origin, Characteristics, Uses, Photo - ROY'S FARM
2024年8月26日 · The Sumatra chicken was originally imported from the Indonesian Isles of Sumatra in 1847 to the United States and Europe as fighting roosters for the purpose of cockfighting. It is one of the very old breeds, admitted into the American Standard of Perfection.
Murray McMurray Hatchery - Sumatras
The Sumatra is a lustrous greenish-black bird with a graceful long tail, small comb, black shanks with yellow soles, multiple spurs, and — like the Silkies — the Sumatra has black skin. Their type, size and flowing tails are similar to the Yokohama chickens.
Black Sumatra Chicken: Baby Chicks for Sale - Cackle Hatchery
Day-Old Black Sumatra Chickens available at Cackle Hatchery® - View Availability of Black Sumatra Baby Chicks Online & Place Your Order Today
Sumatra Chicken: Eggs, Height, Size and Raising Tips
2023年10月2日 · The Sumatra breed of chickens is native to the small island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The Sumatra chicken has a beautiful exterior appearance. The chicken has long exotic flowing curves, a unique green luster, and excellent feathering.
Sumatra Chicken Breed Guide: Characteristics, Temperament, …
2025年1月14日 · Sumatra chicken breed is native to Indonesia, more precisely, the island of Sumatra. This breed of chickens is thought to be a primitive one. The other names in use for this chicken breed are Black Sumatra, and Sumatra Game, Java Pheasant Game Birds, and Sumatran Pheasants.
Sumatra Chicken - The Livestock Conservancy
The Sumatra chicken is distinctive and beautiful, with long flowing curves, abundant tail feathering, and a rich green sheen. Originally from the Isles of Sumatra, Java, and Borneo in Indonesia, the birds existed in the wild and were possibly the basis for many existing breeds.
About Sumatra Chickens: An Exotic Exhibition Bird - MorningChores
Sumatra Chickens were primarily cultivated and shaped by the jungle islands just off Indonesia. These birds are eye catchers and head turners with very active and independent personalities. While the primary purpose of Sumatras nowadays is for exhibition, their self-sufficient dispositions make them well suited to a life off-grid on a homestead.