My guide to tapering off suboxone with minimum discomfort
Also Suboxone has a ~36 hour half-life and since were taking it on a 24 hour schedule this means that over time it builds up and you reach peak receptor saturation and remain there at all times. stabilizing at 3mg a day will make it easier on you long term to taper off suboxone and also reduce the short and long term side effects.
8 years on subs + 6 months into taper : r/suboxone - Reddit
2023年11月29日 · Fast forward to last summer, I hit a place emotionally where I was no longer okay with being a lifelong slave, especially having had years in recovery prior to my recreational sub use that morphed into this 8 year run. The emotional numbness, the ball and chain, the lost potential. This has been my taper experience so far.
My Suboxone taper that is going well and may help you
My taper was pretty similar to yours except once I got to 1.5mg I wasn't able to make the drops anymore without a great deal of withdrawal. I was on Suboxone for a whole lot longer than you so maybe that had something to do with it but regardless getting down to 0.13mg is amazing and you shouldn't feel too much once you make the jump.
Suboxone Taper : r/suboxone - Reddit
Suboxone Taper Positivity ... approaching what people say is the halfway point in the sub taper (2mg ...
Suboxone Taper : r/suboxone - Reddit
2024年5月7日 · You're welcome, and best of luck! Btw, I was on Suboxone for 4 years before I started tapering off. And my dose mostly ranged from 2mg to 4mg, though it occasionally went as high as 6mg to 8mg (and I was taking 6mg/day for months by the time i started my taper).
Quick taper : r/suboxone - Reddit
I barely felt anything for WD just my baseline pain increasing and sleep disturbances. Suboxone WD is totally manageable and people often continue working in the meantime, as did I. I personally went from 8mg to 2mg in about a month then effortlessly jumped. Kratom helped on the rougher days like 9 and 10.
Suboxone taper calculator : r/OpiatesRecovery - Reddit
2016年10月19日 · Suboxone taper calculator This has probably been posted before, but this might be a helpful resource for anyone trying to schedule a taper off of suboxone (after long term use). I saw it in the r/suboxone subreddit.
Suboxone Taper : r/suboxone - Reddit
2023年12月16日 · Hi guys, I came here a few months ago to get advice on how to taper down from my 16mg suboxone. November marked a full year on suboxone for me which I never wanted to stay on for so long. I successfully have tapered from 16mg a day to 2mg today, I’m just looking for advice on how to get to zero mg.
Suboxone Taper : r/OpiatesRecovery - Reddit
2016年2月1日 · The thing with suboxone and buprenorphine in general is that its VERY potent meaning only a small dose is needed to achieve the desiered effect. When used for pain, doses are under 1mg. The reason they prescribe higher doses for opiate addiction is because having more of it in your blood stream will allow it to better block other opiates like ...
Successful suboxone taper : r/suboxone - Reddit
From here I decided to drop by 1mg at a time, roughly every couple of months I’d say, got down to 2mg painlessly. Once I got to 2mg I dropped 10% roughly every 2-3weeks, this was pretty painless too, tiny withdrawals, and I mean tiny, a little sleeplessness, sweating a little bit, mainly around day 5-6 after a taper.