Scleractinia - Wikipedia
Scleractinia, also called stony corals or hard corals, are marine animals in the phylum Cnidaria that build themselves a hard skeleton. The individual animals are known as polyps and have a cylindrical body crowned by an oral disc in which a mouth is fringed with tentacles.
石珊瑚目 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
石珊瑚目(学名:Scleractinia)是珊瑚纲 六放珊瑚亚纲的一个目,是一類生活在海洋中的生物,曾被稱為像是植物的動物(Zoophytes) [2] ,能分泌碳酸鈣 骨骼形成堅硬的礁體,以便將他們固定在光線充足、海水流動快速的地方。
石珊瑚目 - 百度百科
石珊瑚目(Scleractinia)是六放珊瑚亚纲的1目,通称石珊瑚。 在生态上分为两个类群:一类分布在热带浅海区,以群体为主,而且有一种单细胞双鞭毛藻与其共生,通常是构成珊瑚礁的主要成分,所以称造礁石珊瑚。
1.1 Scleractinia - Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
2019年11月1日 · The anthozoan order Scleractinia includes the "true corals" or "stony corals," which are represented today by about 1500 extant species. Scleractinians first appeared in the early Middle Triassic and have been the dominant (though not exclusive) reef-building organisms over the past 240 million years.
Introduction to the Scleractinia - University of California Museum …
Introduction to the Scleractinia. Scleractinian ("hard-rayed") corals first appeared in the Middle Triassic and refilled the ecological niche once held by tabulate and rugose corals. They are probably not closely related to the extinct tabulate or rugose corals, and probably arose independently from a sea anemone-like ancestor.
The ancient evolutionary origins of Scleractinia revealed by ...
2011年10月28日 · Modern shallow-water Scleractinia, which are dependent on symbionts, appear to have had several independent origins from solitary, non-symbiotic precursors. The Scleractinia have survived periods of massive climate change in the past, suggesting that as a lineage they may be less vulnerable to future changes than often assumed.
The New Systematics of Scleractinia: Integrating Molecular and ...
2016年9月8日 · In this synthesis of scleractinian phylogenetics and systematics, we present the most current state of affairs in the field covering both zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate taxa, focusing on the progress of our phylogenetic understanding of this ecologically-significant clade, which today is supported by rich sets of molecular and morphological ...
An introduction to lesions and histology of scleractinian corals
Stony corals (Scleractinia) are in the Phylum Cnidaria (cnidae referring to various types of stinging cells). They may be solitary or colonial, but all secrete an external, supporting aragonite skeleton.
The earliest diverging extant scleractinian corals recovered by ...
2020年11月26日 · In contrast to widely accepted Triassic emergence of Scleractinia, divergence of the earliest scleractinian clade with extant representatives (families Micrabaciidae and Gardineriidae) was ...
Evolutionary Traits that Enable Scleractinian Corals to Survive Mass ...
2020年3月3日 · Scleractinian corals represent an ideal taxon to serve as a model for describing past and predicting future environmental trajectories of mass extinctions. Coral skeletons are widespread and...