Pinaverium bromide - Wikipedia
Pinaverium bromide is a medication used for functional gastrointestinal disorders. It belongs to a drug group called antispasmodics and acts as a calcium channel blocker in helping to restore the normal contraction process of the bowel. It is most effective when taken for a full course of treatment and is not designed for immediate symptom ...
匹维溴铵 - 百度百科
匹维溴铵可用于肠易激综合征,对症治疗与胆道功能紊乱有关的疼痛,胆囊运动障碍,消化性溃疡,为钡剂灌肠作准备。 匹维溴铵还可用于对症治疗与肠功能紊乱有关的疼痛、肠蠕动异常及不适,结肠痉挛。 [1]
Pinaverium: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action - DrugBank …
Pinaverium is a spasmolytic agent used for functional gastrointestinal disorders. It is a quaternary ammonium compound that acts as an atypical calcium antagonist to restore normal bowel function.
PINAVERIUM - ORAL side effects, medical uses, and drug ... - MedicineNet
USES: This medication is used to treat irritable bowel problems and certain other intestinal disorders. HOW TO USE: By mouth, one to two tablets three times a day or as directed with a glass of water and with food. Do not take the tablet while lying down or just before bedtime. The length of treatment depends on the condition being treated.
PINAVERIUM BROMIDE的適應症、成分、用法與用量、作用機轉 …
Pinaverium bromide的藥理作用 可直接作用於胃腸道的平滑肌使之鬆弛,因此可解除痙攣所引起的不適,可用於因抑鬱或焦慮引起的腸胃道、膽管疾病。 對平滑肌鬆弛作用為罌粟鹼的15倍,它的解痙攣效果優於阿托品類的藥物,卻沒有抗膽鹼激素的副作用。
匹维溴铵片(得舒特)详细说明书-注意事项-不良反应-用法用量-39药 …
匹维溴铵通过阻断钙离子流入肠壁平滑肌细胞,防止肌肉过度收缩而达到解痉作用,能消除肠平滑肌的高反应性,并增加肠道蠕动能力。 匹维溴铵对心血管平滑肌细胞亲和力极低,每天单剂口服1200mg,也不会引起血压的变化。 匹维溴铵不会影响食管下部贲门括约肌的压力,也不引起十二指肠反流,但对奥迪氏括约肌有松弛作用。 体外研究表明,本品对氯化钡、乙酰胆碱、去甲肾上腺素、卡巴胆碱和电刺激引起的平滑肌收缩,有剂量依赖的抑制作用。 匹维溴铵在体内的作用 …
Pinaverium Bromide | C26H41Br2NO4 | CID 40703 - PubChem
Pinaverium Bromide is an orally available bromide salt form of pinaverium, a calcium channel blocker (CCB) with antispasmodic activity. Upon oral administration, pinaverium blocks the voltage-dependent calcium channels and inhibits calcium ion influx into the smooth muscle cells located in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
匹维溴铵 (Pinaverium bromide) - 药物靶点:VDCCs_在研适应 …
Drug screening with tumor organoids identifies that pinaverium bromide represses Smad3 activity and restrains Tgfbr2-deficient ESCC. Our studies provide a highly efficient platform to investigate the in vivo functions of ESCC-associated mutations and develop potential treatments for this miserable malignancy.
Pinaverium bromide - ScienceDirect
Pinaverium bromide is a medication used for functional gastrointestinal disorders. It belongs to a group of drugs called antispasmodics and acts as a calcium channel blocker, helping to restore the normal contraction process of the bowel (Zheng et al., 2015 #).
Pinaverium bromide - DrugBank Online
Pinaverium is a spasmolytic agent used for functional gastrointestinal disorders. It is a quaternary ammonium compound that acts as an atypical calcium antagonist to restore normal bowel function. It is shown to relieve GI spasm and pain, transit disturbances and other symptoms related to motility disorders 1 and may be considered as effective ...
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