Phyllite - Wikipedia
Phyllite (/ ˈfɪlaɪt / FIL-yte) is a type of foliated metamorphic rock formed from slate that is further metamorphosed so that very fine grained white mica achieves a preferred orientation. [1] . It is primarily composed of quartz, sericite mica, and chlorite. [2]
Phyllite: Metamorphic Rock - Pictures, Definition & More - Geology.com
Phyllite is a foliated metamorphic rock that has been subjected to low levels of heat, pressure and chemical activity. It is composed mainly of flake-shaped mica minerals in parallel alignment. The strong parallel alignment of the mica grains allows the rock to be easily split into sheets or slabs.
Phyllite | Composition, Properties, Formation, Uses - Geology …
2023年8月21日 · Phyllite is a foliated metamorphic rock that has been low pressure and heat. Phyllite formation from slate that is further metamorphosed so that very fine grained mica mineral achives. It composed of mainly flake-shaped mica minerals. This mica minerals is strong parallel alignment, so easly to split into sheets or slabs.
千枚岩 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
千枚岩 (英語: Phyllite)是一种浅变质的 岩石,是泥质、粉沙质或中酸性 凝灰岩 等岩石经过 区域变质作用 而形成的,具有千枚状构造,一般 颜色 较浅,为 黄色 、 绿色 、 褐色 或 灰色。 原岩性质与 板岩 类似,经过变质作用后,原岩中的物质也大部分重结晶,生成 石英 、绢 云母 、绿泥石等,揉皱构造普遍。 千枚岩的分类命名一般根据其颜色和成分,如黄色绢云母千枚岩;灰绿色泥 …
Phyllite | Metamorphic, Foliated, Schist | Britannica
phyllite, fine-grained metamorphic rock formed by the reconstitution of fine-grained, parent sedimentary rocks, such as mudstones or shales. Phyllite has a marked fissility (a tendency to split into sheets or slabs) due to the parallel alignment of platy minerals; it may have a sheen on its surfaces due to tiny plates of micas.
Phyllite - Formation, Properties, Composition, Uses and Parent Rock
Phyllite is a foliated metamorphic rock that is primarily composed of quartz, mica, chlorite, and sericite. The Phyllite rock is formed by the slate that is further metamorphosed so that the coarse-grained mica attain a preferred accommodation. The word Phyllite is derived from the Greek phyllon meaning “ leaf”.
Overview of Phyllite - ThoughtCo
2019年2月28日 · Phyllite is between slate and schist in the spectrum of metamorphic rocks. Geologists tell them apart by their surfaces: slate has flat cleavage faces and dull colors, phyllite has flat or crinkled cleavage faces and shiny colors, and schist has intricately wavy cleavage (schistosity) and glittering colors.
Phyllite - Geology is the Way
A phyllite is a fine-grained, foliated metamorphic rock with a strong fissility. Its primary feature is that foliation planes show a lustrous sheen, caused by the presence of oriented phyllosilicates (mostly white mica).
Phyllite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Phyllite is a foliated metamorphic rock rich in tiny sheets of sericite mica. Phyllite is a durable and soft rock and used as decorative aggregates, floor tiles, and as exterior building, or facing stone. The other uses include cemetery markers, commemorative …
8.3.4: Phyllite - Geosciences LibreTexts
2022年8月28日 · Figure 8.27 shows a sample of phyllite, a shiny foliated rock created by further metamorphism of slates. The foliation is due to parallel alignment of very small – mostly microscopic – muscovite, chlorite, or other micas, sometimes with graphite.