Atlas Entry - Normal fundus - adult - University of Iowa
Normal fundus - adult Normal fundus - adult Category(ies): Retina Contributor: Jesse Vislisel, MD Photographer: Toni Venckus, CRA. This is a color fundus photograph of a 35-year-old healthy patient. The media are clear, providing a crisp view of the fundus. The optic disc appears pink with sharp margins and a cup-to-disc ratio of approximately ...
Chapter 1. Glaucoma: Optic Nerve Disease - University of Iowa
The C/D ratio attempts to quantify the extent of axonal (nerve fiber) loss. It compares the diameter of the cup to the entire diameter of the optic nerve head (disc). The normal C/D ratio is typically less than 0.5 (meaning that the diameter of the cup is 50% of the diameter of the optic nerve head, Figure 1-6). This number is not a uniform ...
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy - University of Iowa
A splinter hemorrhage at disc margin is common (Fig. 8). Optic disc edema starts to develop pallor about 2-3 weeks after the onset of NA-AION, and optic disc edema usually resolves spontaneously in about 2 months . There is a characteristic evolutionary pattern of optic disc edema in NA-AION, as discussed elsewhere .
Optic Nerve Drusen Visual Field Loss - University of Iowa
2007年8月14日 · The optic disc can appear to have no "optic cup", resulting in the appearance of papilledema, which is a major part of the differential diagnosis (Davis 2003). As patients get older, particularly past the teenage years, the drusen become more visible. The drusen begin to protrude from the edge of the optic disc and cup, especially on the ...
Atlas Entry - Optic disc hemorrhage in normal tension glaucoma
Optic disc hemorrhage indicating inadequate intraocular pressure control in a patient with normal tension glaucoma. Disc hemorrhages are more common in normal tension glaucoma than in primary open angle glaucoma. This patient also has peripapillary atrophy, visible as a pale ring around the optic nerve.
EyeRounds.org: How to grade papilledema - University of Iowa
Future modules are being developed for differentiating papilledema, pseudopapilledema and optic disc drusen and for the use of OCT to diagnose and monitor these entities. Grade 0 No C-shaped halo or obscuration of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer as observed in grade 1
Morning Glory Disc Anomaly - University of Iowa
2024年1月22日 · He described a congenital, funnel-shaped, excavated, enlarged optic disc with central white-colored fibrous tissue, peripapillary pigmentary changes, and straight branches of retinal vessels emanating radially from the optic disc edge [1]. It is named due to its resemblance to the morning glory flower. Literature on the prevalence of MGDA is ...
Optic disc pallor. COMS Grading - University of Iowa
2006年6月27日 · Optic disc pallor is a pale yellow discoloration that can be segmental or generalized. This determination is made on color photographs. Comparison to initial visit photographs or photographs of the fellow eye was necessary to make this determination.
Optic Neuritis - University of Iowa
2012年12月29日 · Diagnosis: Optic neuritis of the right eye with a prior bout of optic neuritis in the left eye. Discussion: Optic neuritis is defined as inflammation of the optic nerve, which can be anterior, in which optic disc swelling is visible, or more commonly retrobulbar, in which inflammation is posterior to the globe without optic disc edema.
EyeRounds.org: Optic Nerve Hypoplasia - University of Iowa
The appearance of the optic nerves supports optic nerve hypoplasia, most likely since birth. Both optic nerves are small (less than 1.484 mm2 OD) with normal mean disc area being 2.89 mm2. Additionally, the left optic nerve is severly hypoplastic with only a stump of nerve tissue with crowded retinal vessels exiting the nerve.