2023年3月22日 · Echidna was a primeval female monster, usually represented as a woman from the waist up and a snake from the waist down. She was said to have been the mother of some …
2023年3月24日 · Orthus, child of Echidna and Typhoeus, was a fierce two-headed dog. He guarded the cattle of Geryon, which Heracles was sent to steal as one of his Twelve Labors. …
2023年3月22日 · The Chimera was a monster with a hybrid body: part lion, part snake, and part goat. The hero Bellerophon tracked the Chimera to its remote mountain lair and killed it with …
2023年3月8日 · Cerberus, the terror-inspiring offspring of the primordial monsters Typhoeus and Echidna, was the guard dog of the Greek Underworld. In most literary and artistic …
2023年3月25日 · Typhoeus (or Typhon) was an enormous monster, often imagined with multiple fire-breathing dragon heads. According to most traditions, Gaia bore him to be a challenger to …
2023年3月25日 · The Sphinx was a hybrid creature, usually represented with the features of a woman and a lion, as well as (sometimes) the wings of a bird. The Sphinx plagued the Greek …
2023年5月20日 · The Hydra, a child of the Greek monsters Typhoeus and Echidna, was a creature with multiple serpent heads. It lived in the swamps of Lerna in Greece, where it …
2023年5月20日 · The Nemean Lion was a ferocious beast whose hide was invulnerable to weapons. It terrorized Nemea until Heracles finally killed it with his bare hands as the first of …
2023年9月4日 · Ceto, daughter of Pontus and Gaia, was a Greek goddess of the sea. She had no mythology of her own but was known for the many famous monsters—including the Gorgons …
2023年1月13日 · The mythographer Apollodorus, for example, reports a tradition in which the Crommyonian Sow was the child of the monsters Typhoeus and Echidna. [6] Another tradition, …