Cornus mas - Wikipedia
It is a medium to large deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 5–12 m tall, with dark brown branches and greenish twigs. The leaves are opposite, 4–10 cm long and 2–4 cm broad, with an ovate to oblong shape and an entire margin.
Cornus mas - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Ovate to elliptic dark green leaves (to 4" long) typically develop insignificant fall color. Fruits are ellipsoid, fleshy, one-seeded berries (drupes to 5/8" long) which mature to cherry red in mid-summer. Fruits are edible, although sour tasting fresh off the plant. Fruits may be used for making syrups and preserves.
How to Grow and Care for Cornelian Cherry Dogwood - The Spruce
2023年9月11日 · Cornelian cherry dogwood leaves may develop shades of reddish-purple in fall, and its peeling, exfoliating brown bark gives it four-season interest. Cornelian cherry dogwood shrubs feature clusters of yellow flowers appearing at the end of winter or early spring, blossoming before the plant has leaves.
Cornus mas - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
The leaves are medium green and appear in the late spring to summer followed by dark red fruits that ripen mid-summer. The fall foliage is usually only a mix of green and yellow colors and occasionally reddish-purple.
branch tips. The leaves on affected branch tips may be distorted and the branch may fail to form a flower bud. Prune out the galls as soon as they are seen. Leaf miners cause brown blister-like mines on the undersides of leaves. The adult leaf miner skeletonizes the leaves. Scales can build up to large numbers before being detected.
Cornus Mas: A Guide to Growing and Caring for the European …
2023年7月27日 · Cornus mas is a small tree or shrub that can grow up to 10 meters tall. The leaves of this plant are dark green and oval-shaped, and they turn red in the fall. The flowers are small and yellow, and they bloom in early spring before the leaves appear. The fruit of Cornus mas is a bright red berry that looks similar to a cherry.
Cornus mas - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University
Deciduous multistemed shrub or small tree, 20-25 ft ( 6-8m) high, spreading to 15 ft (4.5 m), oval-round outline, slender stems. Leaves opposite, simple, ovate to elliptic, 5-10 cm long, 3-5 pairs of veins, dark green above. Sometimes reddish fall color, …
Cornus mas - Trees and Shrubs Online
Leaves prettily variegated, having a wide unequal border of yellow, some entirely yellow; others tinged with pink. This was given an F.C.C. when shown by Lee of Hammersmith in 1872 and probably originated with them. This is another E. Asiatic relative of C. mas, common in Central and S. China, collected several times by Henry.
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Cornus mas - Europa
Cornus mas L., commonly named as cornelian cherry, is a bushy shrub or small tree producing olive-shaped red fruits which are fleshy and edible. It is native of temperate zones, from central to southern Europe and eastwards to Asia Minor.
Cornus mas – Purdue Arboretum Explorer
Leaves opposite, simple, ovate to elliptic, 2-4" long, 3-5 pairs of veins, dark green above. Dogwood veins sweep toward, but never contact, the leaf margin. Similar to C. officianalis except C. mas pedicels are half the length, flowers emerge later, fruits ripen earlier, and there are no brown tufts of hair on the leaf underside along the vein ...