Bald Eagles
Bald Eagle Taxonomy. Kingdom: Animalia (animals) Phylum: Chordata (chordates) Subphylum: Vertebrata (vertebrates) Class: Aves (birds) Order: Accipitriformes (ospreys, kites, eagles, harriers, & hawks) Family: Accipitridae (kites, eagles, harriers, & hawks) Subfamily: Accipitrinae Genus: Haliaeetus (fish eagles)
taxonomy - Bald Eagles
2024年2月26日 · the science of classifying things according to their relationships to each other, especially in the disciplines of botany and zoology; classification is arranged from most general to least general: kingdom-phylum-class-order-family-genus-species; taxonomic classifications are in constant flux as scientists discover more details about ...
taxonomy – Bald Eagles
The nest cams have provided wonder, entertainment, sometimes anguish, and most importantly, education about the breeding behavior of Bald Eagles. Researchers have begun to appreciate the contributions these intimate observations are making to our knowledge.
breeding – Page 4 – Bald Eagles
list of bald eagle nests The codes in this document are my shorthand for referring to nests throughout this website. Each code begins with the state or province in which the nest is found.
hallux - Bald Eagles
Bergmann included Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in a sea-eagle taxon with White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla), Short-toed Eagles, and Ospreys, although he acknowledged that in his day there was disagreement about whether they all belong in the same genus (taxonomists today agree that they do not).
eaglet – Page 3 – Bald Eagles
The Bald Eagle nest cams from 2007-2016 are giving us priceless new information about breeding in the wild (as opposed to captivity). We now have some real numbers to crunch.
hallux | Bald Eagles
measuring an eagle. measuring adult, subadult, and juvenile bald eagles; adult measurements table; subadult and juvenile measurements table; measuring an eagle: references; breeding. oviposition (egg-laying) egg-laying timings; hatching; hatch timings; numbers from the nests. eggs, nestlings, and fledglings; success rates of clutches and broods
Bergmann included Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in a sea-eagle taxon with White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla), Short-toed Eagles, and Ospreys, although he acknowledged that in his day there was disagreement about whether they all belong in the same genus (taxonomists today agree that they do not).
Here is a schematic diagram of the Life-History stages of Bald Eagles, mapped onto 52 weeks of the year, showing the typical durations of each stage. Notice that Molt overlaps with Reproduction at the beginning and with Movement at the end (click on the image for an enlarged view):
Here is a schematic diagram of the Life-History stages of Bald Eagles, mapped onto 52 weeks of the year (divided into 4-week units that do not necessarily correspond with January through December). Timings here are approximate and represent a rough average of observations made at eagle nest sites (including those on cam), as well as information ...