Share files & links from your Pixel to Android phones near you
Nearby Android devices can scan the QR code to get connected and receive the files. Wait for the other device to accept your sharing request. To cancel an in-progress transfer, tap the same device again. During the transfer: You can leave the screen and the transfer will continue.
Use Quick Share on your Android device - Android Help - Google …
Quick Share is available on Android 6+ devices and Chromebooks, and on selected Windows devices through an App. For a Galaxy device with Android 10 & One UI 2.1 or later, the settings and features can be different. Learn about Quick Share feature on Galaxy devices. Share & receive content on your Android device
ANDROID BEAM - Google Pixel Community
Our software update is being released in phases. New features will gradually roll out across all regions. Stay tuned for updates.
在 Android 裝置上使用快速分享功能 - Android說明 - Google Help
鄰近的 Android 裝置只要掃描 QR code,即可建立連線並接收檔案。 等待對方接受分享要求。 如要在檔案傳輸期間取消作業,請再次輕觸同一部裝置。 傳輸期間: 你可以離開螢幕畫面,傳輸作業會繼續進行。 如果你離開傳送畫面,會在通知匣中收到通知。
Utiliser Quick Share sur votre appareil Android - Aide Android
Les appareils Android à proximité peuvent scanner le code QR pour se connecter et recevoir les fichiers. Attendez que l'autre appareil accepte votre demande de partage. Pour annuler un transfert en cours, appuyez de nouveau sur le même appareil. Pendant le transfert : Vous pouvez quitter l'écran et le transfert se poursuivra.
Apply settings for Android mobile devices - Google Help
Supported for Android 5.0 Lollipop and later devices, except where noted. Allows users to share data and files from their work profile to the personal space on their device. This setting does not change users' ability to share content from their personal space to their work profile.
Quick Share auf einem Android-Gerät verwenden - Android-Hilfe
Quick Share ist für Geräte mit Android 6 oder höher, auf Chromebooks sowie auf ausgewählten Windows-Geräten über eine App verfügbar. Bei einem Galaxy-Gerät mit Android 10 und One UI 2.1 oder höher können sich die Einstellungen und Funktionen unterscheiden. Informationen zur Quick Share-Funktion auf Galaxy-Geräten
Transfer files between your computer & Pixel phone
Share between phones by NFC with Android Beam; ... Important: Some of these steps work only on Android 9.0 ...
Как пользоваться функцией "Быстрая отправка" на устройстве …
Если на устройстве используется Android 12 или более ранних версий, проверьте, включено ли определение местоположения. Узнайте, как включить геолокацию. Выключите и снова включите устройство.
Usar Quick Share en un dispositivo Android - Ayuda de Android
Los dispositivos Android cercanos pueden escanear el código QR para conectarse y recibir los archivos. Espera a que el otro dispositivo acepte tu solicitud para compartir contenido. Para cancelar una transferencia en curso, vuelve a tocar el mismo dispositivo. Durante la transferencia: Puedes salir de la pantalla y la transferencia continuará.