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  1. Heart rate: What's normal? - Mayo Clinic

    2022年10月8日 · A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. For example, a well-trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats per minute.

  2. Heart arrhythmia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    2023年10月13日 · A heart-healthy lifestyle can help prevent heart damage that can trigger some heart arrhythmias. Types. In general, heart arrhythmias are grouped by the speed of the heart rate. For example: Tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh) is a fast heartbeat. The heart rate is greater than 100 beats a minute. Bradycardia (brad-e-KAHR-dee-uh) is a slow heartbeat.

  3. Heart palpitations - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic

    2022年3月11日 · If the heart beats rapidly, blood pressure can drop, causing the person to faint. This is more likely in those with a heart problem, such as congenital heart disease or certain valve problems. Cardiac arrest. Rarely, palpitations can be caused by life-threatening heartbeat problems and can cause the heart to stop beating effectively. Stroke.

  4. Atrial tachycardia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    During an atrial tachycardia episode, the heart beats more than 100 times a minute. Then it returns to a heart rate of around 60 to 80 beats a minute. An episode may start slowly, or it may start suddenly and quickly. It can cause a pounding or racing heartbeat, lightheadedness, dizziness, and fainting.

  5. Heart arrhythmia - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

    2023年10月13日 · Heart arrhythmia treatment is usually only needed if the irregular heartbeat causes significant symptoms or puts you at risk of more-serious heart problems. Treatment for heart arrhythmias may include medicines, special actions called vagal maneuvers, procedures or …

  6. Ventricular tachycardia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    2024年3月6日 · In a healthy heart, this heart signaling process usually goes smoothly, resulting in a resting heart rate of 60 to 100 beats a minute. But some things can change how electrical signals travel through the heart. In ventricular tachycardia, faulty electrical signaling in the heart's lower chambers make the heart beat100 or more times a minute.

  7. Supraventricular tachycardia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    2024年3月7日 · In a healthy heart, this heart signaling process usually goes smoothly. The heart usually beats about 60 to 100 times a minute at rest. But in SVT, the heart beats faster than 100 beats a minute. The heart may beat 150 to 220 times a minute. Risk factors. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is the most common type of arrhythmia in infants and ...

  8. Bradycardia - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

    2024年12月13日 · A pacemaker is placed under the skin near the collarbone during a minor surgery. The device helps fix a slow heartbeat. When the heart beats too slowly, the pacemaker sends electrical signals to the heart to speed up the beat.

  9. Pulse pressure: An indicator of heart health? - Mayo Clinic

    2023年8月18日 · Checking your pulse pressure may help your care team predict your risk of heart and blood vessel events, such as heart attacks and strokes. A pulse pressure greater than 60 is a risk factor for heart disease, especially for older adults. Stiffness of the body's largest arteries is the leading cause of increased pulse pressure in older adults.

  10. Tachycardia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    2023年12月15日 · Tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh) is the medical term for a heart rate over 100 beats a minute. Many types of irregular heart rhythms, called arrhythmias, can cause tachycardia. A fast heart rate isn't always a concern. For instance, the heart rate usually rises during exercise or as a response to stress.