Do pigs really eat snakes? - Homesteading Forum
2007年12月15日 · Whether pigs are actually immune to snake venom I don't know. The "Larousse Encyclopedia of Animal Life"cautiously states that "wild hogs appear to be immune to snake bite." Certainly rooting pigs would play hell with populations of snakes that reproduce by means of eggs laid underground, but rattlers,copperheads, and cottonmouths all bear live ...
Can Pigs Eat Fruit Pits? - Homesteading Forum
2006年8月5日 · This will probably seem real dumb to all of you hog raisers, but do pigs eat fruit pits? Like from plums or peaches? I wondered because a day camp in my area didn't know if their campers could put their fruit pits in the pig bucket. The counselors allow the campers to put their leftover lunch into a bucket that is later emptied into a pig trough.
why 'bleed' a pig? - Homesteading Forum
2009年11月14日 · Picture a boiler in the basement of a large apartment building. Hot water pipes and their return pipes snake throughout the building. When the boiler breaks down and has to be removed is there still water within the system? Yes...Until the system is vented at the top, and the vacuum is released allowing the remaining water to drain out. Same ...
Can somebody verify (or not) these "facts" - Homesteading Forum
2011年2月8日 · False. Although pigs will eat snakes (chickens do the same) they have no immunity to snake venom. Farmers that pen hogs with rattlesnakes are stupid farmers. [FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] [/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif] When a pig is butchered, worms and insects take to its flesh sooner and faster than to other animal's ...
Comfrey as Pig Feed - Homesteading Forum
2005年3月17日 · "However, a study on the nutritional value of comfrey conducted in Australia in 1983 found that you would need to eat more than 4 lb/day of fresh comfrey to obtain the minimum daily requirement of B12. Eating such large amounts of comfrey, a poor source of vitamin B12, is inadvisable due to the potential health hazards.
Advice on roasting a pig? - Homesteading Forum
2014年5月1日 · Hello all. I am planning to roast a pig for a gathering on memorial day weekend. This is my first attempt at this so I am coming to the experts here for advice. I have been doing some research and so far I'm planning top build a cinderblock pig box with steel grate to hold the pig. Pig will be roughly 100lbs ( before slaughter ).
Eating Sick or Injured pigs - Homesteading Forum
2014年11月25日 · An example is a hernia. A herniating pig is not a good pig to raise but it is fine meat. Another example is a broken leg. A broken leg may eliminate the animal from the gene pool but it is still fine meat. There are some diseases that should eliminate the animal from the food chain. The USDA inspectors watch for these and tag & condemn those.
Would you feed your pig a dead rat? - Homesteading Forum
2011年10月18日 · I do believe we were discussing hogs eating rats not boys shooting hogs. The pig could eat it and be none the worse. I'd give a rat to a breeding boar, but not a pig your fattening for slaughter. Just not fair to anyone on the other end, regardless of the health and taste of that pig due to the rat. Customers are on the honor system with farmers.
Acorns for pigs - Homesteading Forum
2013年9月16日 · It may have something to do with the breed of pigs as how well they do on a full acorn diet. I really don't know about any of them with a bitter taste from eating acorns. However the ones we used to butcher on the farm after bring them in we penned them up and fed them whole corn and slop for about 30 days before butchering.
Clearing out the snakes? - Homesteading Forum
2017年5月28日 · theres only one thing snakes love more than eating prey BITING SNAKE LEGGINGS them plastic suckers rubbing together is a mating call to every snake in the area ---heavy sided boots are ok ---but those snake chaps & snake leggings & whatever else people label them are a sure fire way to get hit on the leg