Use map layers - Computer - My Maps Help - Google Help
You can organize your map features with map layers. For example, you can put color-coded restaurants on one layer and coffee shops on another. Change the number of layers. Maps are...
OpenLayers - Welcome
OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles, vector data and markers loaded from any source. OpenLayers has been developed to further the use of geographic information of all kinds. It is completely free, Open Source JavaScript, released under the 2-clause BSD License (also known as the FreeBSD).
A quick tour of map layers—ArcMap | Documentation - Esri
A map layer defines how a GIS dataset is symbolized and labeled (that is, portrayed) in your map views. A layer represents geographic data in ArcMap, such as a particular theme of data. Examples of map layers include streams and lakes, terrain, roads, political boundaries, parcels, building footprints, utility lines, and orthophoto imagery.
Map Layers: Types and Use Cases - towardsdatascience.com
2020年5月3日 · Layers make maps more contextual and help you focus on specific aspects like assets, roads, and points of interest. Map layers make it easier for you to work on a specific set of objects in your map. For example, using map layers you could pin-point and evaluate only a handful of points or building in an area for your case.
Explore layers and data | Documentation - ArcGIS
2024年9月10日 · Explore a map layer. First, you'll open a map that contains data on major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Each map layer in MapMaker includes a description that provides additional information about the topic of the data, information about the data source, and any decisions made by the cartographer that would impact the understanding of the ...
Add layers to maps (Map Viewer) - ArcGIS
To add layers to a map, sign in to your organization and open Map Viewer. You can search for public layers in ArcGIS Online, layers in your content or organization, and subscription layers from ArcGIS Marketplace. You can also add layers from a URL.
Layers—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation - Esri
Maps and scenes can contain layers that reference map, feature, tile, vector tile and OGC services. The majority of service types either have prerendered content or render the content on the server side. Map service layers can be enabled to support dynamic server-side updates.
2.2. Lesson: Adding your first layers - QGIS Documentation
2 天之前 · The layers in your Layers list are drawn on the map in a certain order. The layer at the bottom of the list is drawn first, and the layer at the top is drawn last. By changing the order that they are shown on the list, you can change the order they are drawn in.
Layers—ArcGIS Online Help | Documentation
In ArcGIS Online, you work with geographic data through layers. Layers, also called web layers, are logical collections of geographic data that are used to create maps and scenes; they are also the basis for geographic analysis.
Layers | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers
2025年1月29日 · Layers are objects on the map that consist of one or more separate items, but are manipulated as a single unit. Layers generally reflect collections of objects that you add on top of the map to...