Ethcathinone - Wikipedia
Ethcathinone, also known as ethylpropion or ETH-CAT, is a stimulant drug of the phenethylamine, amphetamine, and cathinone chemical classes. It is an active metabolite of the prodrug diethylcathinone and is fully responsible for its effects.
甲卡西酮 - 百度百科
甲卡西酮,俗称丧尸药,是一种苯丙胺类似物,化学式为C10H13NO,一般为粉末状态或与水混合液体,吸食饮用后有提神作用,与苯丙胺类效果类似,研究表明,该物质能导致急性健康问题和毒品依赖,过量易造成不可逆的永久脑部损伤甚至死亡。 “丧尸药”在国外被称之为“浴盐”。 一般认为是合成卡西酮类物质为主要成分的毒品,是冰毒的“亲戚”。 在美国发生过若干起吸毒人员啃脸事件,都被认为是“浴盐”作祟,遂有“丧尸药”之名。
Ethcathinone | C11H15NO | CID 458519 - PubChem
Ethcathinone | C11H15NO | CID 458519 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
ETH-CAT - PsychonautWiki
Ethylcathinone (also known as Ethylpropion, Ethcathinone, and commonly as ETH-CAT) is a stimulant substance of the cathinone chemical class that produces stimulating and focus enhancing effects when administered. It is structurally related to cathinone and methcathinone (MCAT), which broadly shares the effects profile of amphetamine or ...
Synthetic Cathinones: Epidemiology, Toxicity, Potential for Abuse, …
Synthetic cathinones, derived from cathinone found in the plant Catha edulis, represent the second largest and most frequently seized group of new psychoactive substances. They are considered as β-keto analogs of amphetamine, sharing pharmacological effects with amphetamine and cocaine.
Cathinones - 特殊问题 - MSD诊疗手册专业版
静脉输液苯二氮卓类进行镇静,并辅以支持治疗,通常有理想的疗效。 患者出现高热、持续性心动过速或烦乱,伴有血清肌酐升高应该考虑横纹肌溶解症和心脏和肾损伤的可能,需要进一步监控。 Test your Knowledge Take a Quiz! Cathinones 和 特殊问题——从默沙东诊疗手册 (医学专业人 …
Emerging drugs of abuse: current perspectives on substituted …
Substituted cathinones are widely available from internet websites, retail shops, and street dealers. They can be sold under chemical, evocative or generic names, making their identification difficult. Fortunately, analytical methods have been developed in recent years to …
Synthetic Cathinones: A Brief Overview of Overviews with …
Although khat use was a problem long localized to certain Middle Eastern and certain Eastern African nations, ‘synthetic cathinones’ (synthetic analogs of cathinone) represent a “new” class of abused substances with growing worldwide appeal.
Ethcathinone - Wikiwand
Ethcathinone, also known as ethylpropion or ETH-CAT, is a stimulant drug of the phenethylamine, amphetamine, and cathinone chemical classes. It is an active metabolite of the prodrug diethylcathinone and is fully responsible for its effects.
Ethcathinone - chemeurope.com
Ethcathinone is a methylphenidate-like DA/NE reuptake inhibitor (Rothman 2005). Its mechanism of action is similar to other appetite suppressants such as sibutramine, phentermine and dextroamphetamine. Chemically, it is the N-ethyl homologue of cathinone and dimethylcathinone. Side effects Severe