Vox Pathfinder 15 amp and Cab? - The Gear Page
2012年10月30日 · I have Been on the big search for the Vox Pathfinder Head and Cab. I just love the tube like tones you get out of it and the actual almost AC15 clean tone from the amp as well. I am willing to trade my ac15 for one but I havent been able to find one anywhere because theres only 750 out there...
Pod hd500 or x3 live with Vox Pathfinder? - The Gear Page
2010年12月30日 · Hey guys, I've been playing a ton of clean stuff with a strat and a vox pathfinder 15r, no effects at all, but its getting boring. I'm thinking of getting an x3 live or hd500 for both studio and gigs. Would they sound just as good plugged directly into the vox amp? Because on most youtube clips I see them plugged into the computer via usb.
pathfinder - The Gear Page
2022年9月14日 · I have a Vox Pathfinder 15R (Model V9168R) that recently stopped working. I really liked that amp! Does anyone who has experience with these amps have a sense of whether it is worthwhile to attempt to have it repaired? If this amp is worth repairing, does anyone have a recommendation for where...
Effects Loop - Noob dumb a#$ question | The Gear Page
2013年2月22日 · What's an effects loop? :confused: I have a Vox Pathfinder 15R amp and seem to have suddenly acquired about 10 pedals (not really sure how that happened....) anyway - Can someone kindly explain how this works, and how do i set one up? I currently plug my guitar into a chain of pedals like...
The Vox Pathfinder 15R is one kickass little amp!
2012年1月21日 · I bought a Vox Pathfinder 15R amp off the emporium a few days ago and it arrived today. I had a chance to try it out with a Strat, and I must say it kicked major amounts of tonal ass! For a SS amp, the tube-like sound was remarkable. The reverb was just ok (kinda tinny actually), but the...
Duh! What color wire is +/- (Vox Pathfinder) - The Gear Page
2012年1月26日 · Changing the speaker out on my Vox Pathfinder 15r. There is a black and a white wire. Can somebody tell me which color goes to the positive post? Sadly, this is not the first time I have done such a thing. :facepalm Thanks in advance!
Roland Cube Series - The Gear Page
2011年11月22日 · So I went out and got a Vox Pathfinder 15r to use for rehearsal since my Ampeg Reverberocket R212 is starting to be a hassle carting around at 70 lbs, but I'd like to find a small amp to use for smaller gigs, since I don't think the 15R will cut it, …
VOX Pathfinder 15R impresses mic'd in blind sound setting
2017年5月24日 · I recently auditioned for a local P&W band (and a pretty darned good one at that) in a good sized church with a really nice sound system. Because I have my live rig in road cases at the studio with the other band I'm in, I threw together a quick little pedal board and grabbed a Les Paul and the...
Modeler dreams dashed :( | Page 2 - The Gear Page
2020年3月4日 · He's probably talking about the Vox Pathfinder 15r, which is a little different than the model you pictured. It looks like this: I have one, and it does indeed sound great. Quite loud and has a tone that sits in the mix wonderfully. Also …
Recommend Me a Solid State Amp - The Gear Page
2016年9月23日 · I know this sounds crazy to most but lately I've been using my Vox Pathfinder 15R at rehearsal and, I have to say, I just love the sound of this amp. After playing tube amps forever, I'm seriously thinking about selling my Deluxe Reverb for a similar sounding amp. Any suggestions out there for...
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