New American Cursive – Teach Yourself Cursive
The New American Cursive Penmanship Program is an easy to follow resource for teaching cursive. Through fun activities and worksheets, it presents simplified letter forms, using multi-sensory methods to aid in learning the motor skills necessary for quality cursive handwriting.
Our Alphabet – New American Cursive
The New American Cursive® alphabet was developed with the beginning writer in mind: The New American Cursive® (NAC) alphabet retains the classic style of yesteryear but has been simplified for three main reasons: legibility, ease of use, and speed.
Free Cursive Writing Templates - New American Cursive
This free cursive writing template is created with the Startwrite/NAC® CD for beginning cursive writers to supplement NAC Workbook 1. It can be used for extra practice to write letters, words and short sentences.
Workbooks & Software - New American Cursive
The New American Cursive Penmanship Program is an easy to follow resource for teaching cursive. Through fun activities and worksheets, it presents simplified letter forms, using multi-sensory methods to aid in learning the motor skills necessary for quality cursive handwriting.
FAQ – New American Cursive
Developing an attractive, legible cursive handwriting style certainly has great aesthetic value, but it also has numerous mental, physical, social, practical and financial benefits. 1. Improved neural connections. Cursive handwriting stimulates the brain in ways that typing cannot.
Our Handwriting Program - New American Cursive
The New American Cursive Penmanship Program is an easy to follow resource for teaching cursive. Through fun activities and worksheets, it presents simplified letter forms, using multi-sensory methods to aid in learning the motor skills necessary for quality cursive handwriting.
New American Cursive Workbook 1
The New American Cursive Penmanship Program is an easy to follow resource for teaching cursive. Through fun activities and worksheets, it presents simplified letter forms, using multi-sensory methods to aid in learning the motor skills necessary for quality cursive handwriting.
New American Cursive Workbook – Teach Yourself
Teach Yourself Cursive – Cursive that fits You! (5 th grade to Adult) $25.00. Quit apologizing for your messy handwriting. Prepare yourself for a lifetime of handwriting success. These easy methods make learning cursive a pleasure. Practice just 15 …
New American Cursive StartWrite/NAC Digital
The Startwrite/NAC cursive software is designed to create supplemental, customized worksheets that can introduce cursive practice into any desired subject. This easy-to-use interface allows users to create lessons that are specifically tailored to any student’s needs, interest, or skill level.
New American Cursive Workbook 3 – Scriptures
New American Cursive Workbook 3 – Scriptures (Grades 3-4 – Advanced Cursive Lessons) This advanced cursive workbook is available in two versions: Scripture with Bible verses & Lessons on Manners OR Standard with quotes from great Americans & Lessons on Manners.