How to Create a Nintendo Account
If your verification code has expired, you'll see the message: “This page cannot be displayed. Please start the process over from the beginning.” Please restart the account creation process …
Accounts & My Nintendo: Set Up Account
Nintendo Account Verification Email Did Not Arrive Steps for when you create a Nintendo Account, but do not receive the verification email to complete the process. Important For help …
Nintendo Account FAQ - Nintendo Support
An account for a child is a Nintendo Account that allows children to use the Nintendo Account services. If verifiable parental consent laws exist in your region, an account for a child is …
How to Add a New User Account on Nintendo Switch
Select Link a Nintendo Account. Sign in to your Nintendo Account using one of the available sign-in methods. If you have forgotten your Nintendo Account sign-in information, you can recover …
Nintendo Support: Accounts & My Nintendo: Set Up Account
How to Create a Nintendo Account Updated Steps to make a new Nintendo Account. KA ID: 15982. Meta-Answer ...
Add Account With Confirmation Code - Nintendo Support
This method is only available when creating a new Nintendo Account on Nintendo Switch. Complete these steps. When linking a Nintendo Account to a user account (new or existing), …
Nintendo Account Overview
In order to create and use a Nintendo Account and the associated services, you must agree to the Nintendo Account User Agreement. Nintendo Switch: In order to use any of the system’s …
How to Sign Up for My Nintendo
You can sign in to the My Nintendo site with your existing Nintendo Account, or you can create a new Nintendo Account when you sign in for the first time. You can begin completing missions …
Where Do I Find the Confirmation Code for Nintendo Switch?
When creating a new Nintendo Account for a Nintendo Switch console, you will be given the option to enter a 5-digit confirmation code to complete the process. To receive the …
Nintendo Account E-Mail Verification Code is Missing One Digit
If the "Verification Code" field still appears at the Nintendo Account website, enter the 4-digit verification code you received in the email to complete the Nintendo Account creation process. …