FedEx | System Down
For assistance with your shipping needs, you can call us anytime at 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 or visit fedex.com.
Tracking Your Shipment or Packages | FedEx
Enter your FedEx tracking number, track by reference, obtain proof of delivery, or TCN. See FedEx Express, Ground, Freight, and Custom Critical tracking services. Where is my package?
Fast, Reliable, and Affordable Shipping - FedEx
Rely on FedEx 1Day ® Freight, FedEx 2Day ® Freight, or FedEx 3Day ® Freight for time-definite delivery to most U.S. locations. LTL (less-than-truckload) freight FedEx Freight ® Priority and FedEx Freight ® Economy provide cost-effective shipping in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
Customer Service and Support| FedEx
How can I change or correct the delivery address for a FedEx® package I’ve already shipped? I submitted a request to change my delivery. How can I check the status of my package? How can I request to have a FedEx® package redirected and held …
FedEx Ground | FedEx
Get industry-leading ground shipping services, faster transit times and cost-effective service with FedEx Ground.
Track & Ship Online or Find Nearby Locations - FedEx
2025年1月17日 · Get your tracking status, find a FedEx near you, learn more about how to become a better shipper, get online print offers, or get inspiration for your small business needs.
Logistics Solutions & Services - FedEx
FedEx Logistics helps you formulate the best plan for moving your freight around the globe. Then we help you execute it. By analyzing what you’re shipping, where it’s going, and when it needs to be there, we can help you create a logistics scenario that meets your schedule and your budget.
Careers - FedEx
FedEx Careers. Shipping Create a Shipment Create a Shipment Shipping Rates & Delivery Times Schedule & Manage Pickups Packing & Shipping Supplies International Shipping Guide Freight Manage a Return ALL SHIPPING SERVICES Tracking Tracking ID Tracking ID. TRACK. Advanced Shipment Tracking ...
Home | Tracking, Shipping, and Locations | FedEx Canada
Receive shipping, tracking and delivery updates, plus picture proof of delivery, all through FedEx® Mobile app — in just a few taps.
FedEx contact information
FedEx Express FedEx Ground Customer Service: 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339: Small Package / Envelope Inquiries: International and/or domestic air and ground package service (less than 150 lbs). FedEx Trade Networks Customer Contact Center (8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST) Email: [email protected] U.S./Canada/Mexico Border Customer Service : 1.800.249.2953
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