A Prayer for Cares and Concerns - Your Daily Prayer - July 26
2020年7月26日 · Pray with faith, believing God does care and He is fully capable of handling your requests. Will the cares and concerns of this life keep cropping up? Yes. They most certainly will.
Chat - JesusCares.com
You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come into your life as your Lord and Savior. Like this: If you want to accept Christ and turn from your sins, you can ask Him to be your Savior and Lord by praying this prayer.
Prayer: Casting All Your Care Upon Him - ChristiansTT
2024年11月12日 · The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Do you have some burden or desperate situation that you need God to take care of?
A Prayer in Praise of God’s Constant Care - The Gospel Coalition
2012年10月15日 · Today we come to your kind heart and broad shoulders with expedience, gratitude and anticipation. With open hands, we cast our cares upon you, gracious Father. Please shoulder the burdens we carry for the people we love—dear friends and family members we so wish we could change, free, protect or heal.
Cast Your Cares Prayer Guide - American Bible Society
To help you bring your specific needs to Jesus, we invite you to journey through our new “ Cast Your Cares ” prayer guide. Let the prompts and Scriptures inspire your honest dialogue with the Lord. We pray these Scriptures inspire faith and hope within you, as …
A Prayer About Care Casting - The Gospel Coalition
2009年10月14日 · Casting all your care on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7. Loving Father, it’s a most precious gift to live this day before you knowing that you care for me.
Daily Prayers to Live Each Day with God in Heart and Mind - Christianity
2021年9月2日 · Lord God, heavenly Father, you generously give us your blessing and our daily bread. Preserve us from greed and awaken our hearts that we willingly share your blessed gifts with our neighbors in need. Make us faithful stewards of your gifts and be gracious to us when our time of stewardship is done and we come before your judgment;
Cast Your Cares Prayer Guide | Blog | American Bible Society News
2021年12月14日 · To help you bring your specific needs to Jesus, we invite you to journey through our new “ Cast Your Cares ” prayer guide. Let the prompts and Scriptures inspire your honest dialogue with the Lord. We pray these Scriptures inspire faith and hope within you, as you bring your cares to Jesus.
12 Caring Prayers to Cultivate Kindness in All Actions
2024年9月9日 · Explore 12 powerful prayers to inspire and spread kindness through every action. Discover how to cultivate a life filled with compassion and positivity.
Prayer, Care and Share - Cru
The goal of prayer-care-share is to create natural relationships with people in your life and then find a way to tell them how Christ has changed you. The process begins by choosing someone you want to introduce to Christ, then praying for discernment, direction and …