Capcom Arcade Stadium - Wikipedia
Capcom Arcade Stadium is a 2021 video game compilation developed and published by Capcom. It includes 32 arcade games originally published by Capcom between 1984 and 2001; the game itself is free to download with a single free game, while the others require individual purchases.
Capcom Arcade Stadium | CAPCOM
Capcom Arcade Stadium - Retry any time! 任何时候都可以马上重试! "倒带"功能使玩家在不小心犯了错时,可以轻松地回溯时间,马上重新挑战! 此功能亦有助研究攻略和进行完美的演示游玩。 大量有挑战性的游戏! 本作中,玩家可以随时设定适合自己的难度。 当觉得这个游戏很难的时候,可以调低难度或游戏速度。 游戏速度的调整会即时反映到游戏当中,所以可根据情况而下调速度,享受各种各样的游玩方式。 而熟练的玩家则可以通过设定"高难度+高速游戏设定"来测试实 …
Capcom Arcade Stadium | CAPCOM
Capcom's famous titles in your very own digital arcade. Arcade Stadium has arrived!
Capcom Arcade Stadium | CAPCOM
请先下载《Capcom Arcade Stadium》的本体, 其中《1943 - Midway Kaisen -》可免费游玩 ,借此体验一下使游戏变得更有趣的功能。 现可于Steam上单独购买个别游戏,或购买收录了《Capcom Arcade Stadium》及《Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium》共62款追加游戏的《Capcom Arcade Stadium Complete Pack》。
Capcom Arcade Stadium on Steam
Capcom Arcade Stadium brings back all the nostalgia of the arcade, while adding in new and exciting features you'll wish you had back then! From 3D-rendered arcade cabinets to scanline filters, there's everything you need to recreate that arcade atmosphere.
Capcom Arcade Stadium - Nintendo
Capcom Arcade Stadium brings back all the nostalgia of the arcade, while adding in new and exciting features you'll wish you had back then! From 3D-rendered arcade cabinets to...
卡普空街機博物館 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《卡普空街機博物館》 (日语:カプコンアーケードスタジアム,英语:Capcom Arcade Stadium) 是 卡普空 的 街機遊戲 合輯,於2021年2月17日透過 任天堂eShop 發布 [1][2][3]。 該遊戲內含卡普空在1984年至2001年期间发行的32款街机游戏 [4][5]。 ^ maru. 「カプコンアーケードスタジアム」の配信が本日スタート。 追加DLC「魔界村」を無料でDLできる“0円セール”が期間限定で開催. 4Gamer.net. 2021-02-18 [2021-02-19]. (原始内容 存档于2021-03-02). ^ Sam. …
Play Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium - Steam
Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium, where retro appeal meets cutting-edge features for a fresh take on Capcom's classics! Play hard. Dominate the scoreboards. Track your progress across each game, including play count, times cleared, and personal high scores! Beat your bests, or those of your friends--there's always something to shoot/strive for ...
MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
4 天之前 · The legendary crossover hits are back! Jump into this collection of arcade classics from the fan-favorite Marvel and Capcom crossover games! Dive into an action-packed lineup consisting of seven unique titles, including heavy hitters like X-MEN VS. STREET FIGHTER, and MARVEL vs. CAPCOM 2 New Age of Heroes.
Capcom Arcade Stadium - Official PlayStation™Store US
Capcom Arcade Stadium brings back all the nostalgia of the arcade, while adding in new and exciting features you'll wish you had back then! From 3D-rendered arcade cabinets to scanline filters, there's everything you need to recreate that arcade atmosphere.