Gut health and the microbiome are trending topics capturing global attention. Featuring experts, this webinar debunked misinformation, explored the latest science on fermented foods, and equipped ...
Recent news stories have reported that people who eat a lot of processed meat, face a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Does this study on cognition and dementia add another reason to ...
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, now affecting more than 1 billion people worldwide. In response to this growing crisis, nine EU-backed projects have joined forces leading to the formation of ...
As demand for sustainable food grows, microbiome-based innovations like fermented foods support health and the environment. The Microbes4SustainableFoods (M4SF) Cluster leads EU-backed research on ...
Seed oils are rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and helps protect the body from oxidative stress by preventing ...
Seed oils don’t increase inflammatory markers. A balanced diet including omega-6 fats, from seed oils, and omega-3 fats supports overall health.
Foods with long ingredient lists can fit into a healthy, balanced diet. Focus on nutrients and ingredient to assess a food’s health impact.
The study behind the claim investigated the relationship between different types of milk and mental health issues, specifically depression and anxiety. 1 Researchers aimed to understand if drinking ...
Les aliments fonctionnels sont des aliments qui offrent des avantages pour la santé au-delà de la nutrition de base, car ils contiennent des composants qui ont le potentiel d’améliorer la santé ...
Laura joined EUFIC in 2002 as Scientific Advisor, and has since contributed to the growth of the organisation fulfilling different functions throughout the years. She leads the organisation since ...
Le Conseil de l’Information sur l’Alimentation en Europe (EUFIC) est une organisation à but non lucratif tournée vers les consommateurs. Il a été créé afin de rendre les connaissances scientifiques ...