Saul Tarvitz might be called  "40K's First Loyalist" but there were a few others who fought back alongside the legendary ...
The Horus Heresy was once a vague part of Warhammer 40,000’s past, a civil war invented as an excuse to explain why players ...
What’s the correct Horus Heresy book order? This guide provides the full Horus Heresy reading order for all the novels, and the Siege of Terra mini-series, complete with spoiler-free summaries for ...
Browse our archive for thousands of game reviews across all mobile and handheld formats ...
Do they really need that much protection though? Secutarii Axiarch thinks so and are programmed to believe it in the Horus ...
The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth is the latest in Games Workshops’ long tradition of standalone games, such as Space Hulk or the recent Assassinorum: Execution Force. These titles feature the ...
Im a long time Warhammer player, having been in the hobby for over two thirds of my three decade long life, but Ive rarely ventured into the Horus Heresy. When Games Workshop started doing its big ...
Both characters must have had an official Games Workshop miniature at some point. We can think of a few edge cases that Games Workshop might want to clarify in other news posts – are the surviving ...