Data last updated January 17, 2025. As Ukrainian leaders vow to reclaim all territories seized by Russia, Moscow has prepared extensive defensive measures, particularly in Crimea, a region unlawfully ...
A list of organizations providing relief for those impacted by the devastation, from families to first responders. By Taylor Mims Writer Los Angeles County remains in the throes of massive ...
She didn't post the amount of money donated. One of the organizations, Direct Relief, shared a message of gratitude to the superstar shortly after the announcement. "Direct Relief is deeply ...
The appointment of a Ukrainian judge who visited Russia and occupied Crimea during Moscow's war against Ukraine has sparked criticism from the head of the country’s main judicial watchdog. The High ...
In a new treaty with Russia to be signed on Friday, Iran has rejected Moscow's annexation of Crimea, according to the Middle East Eye. Newsweek has contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ...
A charity concert to raise funds for Los Angeles wildfire relief will be held in late January with a yet-to-be-announced lineup limited to musicians who call the greater LA area home. The benefit ...
The pop culture mogul announced Tuesday that her non-profit, 11:11 Media Impact, raised $800,000 in emergency relief funds in 72 hours. $150,000 has already been granted to GoFundMe’s Wildfire ...
After losing her Malibu home in the ongoing Los Angeles fires, Paris Hilton has raised $800,000 in emergency relief funds in 72 hours. Working with her non-profit, 11:11 Media Impact, Hilton ...
Lower left back pain can be inconvenient and uncomfortable and may impact your ability to go about your day. This type of pain has many possible causes. Organs in the lower back, including the kidneys ...
Tulip Siddiq said it would be a "distraction" for the government if she had carried on in her role, but insisted she had done nothing wrong. The Times says the resignation of Tulip Siddiq as a ...
On Friday (10 January), the Walt Disney Company pledged $15m to relief and rebuilding efforts while studios Paramount and Fox Corp donated $1m apiece. Promoter Live Nation is planning a benefit ...