外观方面 与萌宠 6500XT 外形相似但更大,整体延续了萌宠系列可爱风格,可能在外观设计上有一些萌系元素,比如独特的配色、装饰等,对于追求个性化和主机颜值的用户有一定吸引力 性能表现 RTX 3060 本身具有不错的性能,12G ...
具体而言,为了在1080p分辨率下流畅运行游戏,至少需要配备英特尔酷睿i7-10700K或锐龙5 3600处理器,以及英伟达RTX 2060 SUPER或 ... 的RTX 3060显卡,在 ...
MSI to cancel and recall the GeForce RT 3060 Ti SUPER 3X due to branding Looks like MSI adding the word SUPER into the product name of a GeForce RTX 3060 Ti was not only confusing but bad form ...
DLSS 4 is arguably the biggest selling point of the new RTX 50-series, but any Nvidia RTX GPU can benefit. Here's how.
Nvidia hasn't announced the RTX 5060 yet, but I'm already worried about how the card will perform when it shows up.
MSI to cancel and recall the GeForce RT 3060 Ti SUPER 3X due to branding Looks like MSI adding the word SUPER into the product name of a GeForce RTX 3060 Ti was not only confusing but bad form ...
AMD近期发布的新一代显卡Radeon RX 9070 XT在性能测试中惊艳亮相,其强劲的性能表现不仅引起了业界的广泛关注,更让众多游戏玩家和硬件爱好者兴奋不已。在权威性能测试软件3DMark的评测中,RX 9070 XT的表现甚至超越了NVIDIA的高端显卡RTX 4080 SUPER,成为市场上的一大焦点。
As Monster Hunter Wilds' February 28 release date nears, developer Capcom has said it's looking into lowering the recommended ...