Anime is often dismissed as simply cartoon entertainment. However, many philosophical anime series and films tackle complex philosophical themes that explore the human condition.
The results of this study reveal that both positive and negative emotions significantly influence luxury consumption among seniors. Additionally, the findings show that the main psychological ...
Explore Fatima Sana Shaikh's new venture into abstract painting, showcasing her creative expression and passion for art beyond her acting career. Discover her thoughts on how painting has become a ...
ABSTRACTION challenges people to examine and imagine, with the varying perceptions of shapes, colors, and forms in a painting reflecting the viewer’s inner thoughts. This interplay of ideas sets ...
Van Der Weel and Van Der Meer (2024, hereafter VWVM2024) claims that, unlike typing, handwriting generates brain connectivity patterns that promote learning. This result leads the authors to stress ...
That deliberate process is the hallmark of an abstract art prodigy, says Jen Drake, a psychology professor at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Drake (who's worked with Winner ...