The duo that delivered some of the most intriguing horror comedies in recent times, like Chaipatti and Chintaa Mani, storyteller-filmmaker Sudhanshu Rai and Director Puneet Sharma are back with a ...
Wi-Fi Direct allows you to wirelessly connect a device to the TV without using a wireless router, and then stream videos, photos, and music from that device directly to the TV.
Free Wi-Fi services have been rolled out across over 200 locations in Lahore and 11 districts of Punjab, according to the Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA), Express News reported, The initiative ...
If you need to set up a kiosk device for the organization, event, or home, in this guide, I'll show you how on Windows 11. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate ...
The company first announced a deal inked with Elon Musk’s Starlink in September, promising customers that it would offer “fast, reliable Wi-Fi service” on its mainline and regional aircraft ...
United Airlines flights will have access to Elon Musk’s Starlink Wi-Fi services as early as this spring, a sign of the widening reach of the tech billionaire. United will begin testing Starlink ...
United Airlines Holdings Inc. expects to begin using SpaceX’s Starlink for inflight Wi-Fi in the spring, an earlier-than-expected rollout for the first major US carrier to use Elon Musk’s ...
What will happen if everyone uses Wi-Fi during a flight? (Photo: iStock) Whether you fly all the time or have only been on a plane once, there's something about air travel that feels unique.