You could spend hours more just trying to understand what it all means. Almost a companion piece to Altman’s Short Cuts, Paul Thomas Anderson’s 1999 collection of interlocking stories in Los ...
David Edwards has spent over a decade reporting on social justice, human rights and politics for Raw Story. He also writes Crooks and Liars. He has a background in enterprise resource planning and ...
Neither objective is met by large companies keeping well-paid people in office for longer hours. In fact, they may help the economy more by spending on entertainment, travel or socialising. The CFO of ...
“Progressive staffers won’t be needed more than 32 hours a week on the Hill this Congress – our Trifecta will be busy at work for the American people!” Rep. Max Miller (R-Ohio) chided.
Progressive staffers on Capitol Hill want to shorten their work weeks to just 32 hours in the hopes of being more “effective and efficient.” The Congressional Progressive Staff Association ...