The silicon-integrated hole transport layer, crafted using microlithography, promises to power the next generation of VR, AR, and wearable devices with sharper images and greater energy efficiency.
研究人员指出:“通过这种方法,我们在6英寸晶圆创建了高保真度的微图案阵列,每英寸分辨率高达10062像素。 有机硅 ...
The rapid advancement of the electronics industry is opening new possibilities for the development of increasingly advanced ...
A microlithography technique can be used to create pixelated silicone-integrated hole transport layers for high-density organic light-emitting diodes that can reduce electrical crosstalk and ...
SPIE Frits Zernike Award for Microlithography: Henry I. Smith For seminal contributions in nanolithography, including the invention of phase-shifting masks, demonstration of liquid-immersion ...