Best gaming laptop: Great devices for mobile gaming. Its stated mission is to search for extra-solar planets using gravitational microlensing as well as probing the chronology of the universe and ...
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. — For the first time, astronomers have taken a direct look at an exoplanet’s insides. An exoplanet about 800 light-years away is spilling its guts into space, and new ...
The Hubble Space Telescope has been used to determine the mass of white dwarf star LAWD 37. It is "56 percent the mass of our Sun," according to NASA/ESA. Credit: NASA, ESA, P. McGill (Univ.
In 2021, NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) spotted the super-Earth, a fascinating development that suggested WASP-132 is a remarkable planetary system. Scientists now know the ...
Researchers used gravitational waves (GWs) to observe one nearby, known source of FRBs to try to understand them better. The only confirmed FRB source in the Milky Way is a neutron star with a ...
Black holes are predictions of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. They are gravitational monsters that imprison any piece of matter or energy that crosses their ‘surface,’ a region of ...
Neutron stars may have analogous features. According to new research, these neutron-star mountains could produce detectable oscillations of space and time known as gravitational waves. Neutron stars ...
This milestone, enabled by gravitational lensing and the telescope’s sensitivity ... The combined effects of macrolensing and microlensing dramatically increase the magnification factor, allowing JWST ...
This phenomenon of smaller, moving objects causing a small gravitational lensing effect is known as microlensing. "When those stars pass in front of the image of this background Dragon Arc galaxy ...
However, thanks to a phenomenon predicted by Einstein—gravitational lensing—coupled ... in addition to the microlensing effect of the galaxy cluster as a whole.” However, the galaxy cluster ...
Each star is capable of adding an additional lensing effect of its own, a phenomenon known as microlensing. Gravitational lenses have been used previously to resolve individual stars in the ...