It's difficult to know what birds 'think' when they fly, but scientists in are getting some remarkable new insights by looking inside birds' heads. Evolutionary biologists and neuroscience researchers ...
Concentrating light into such a small volume increases the strength of light–matter interactions, and can alter the spontaneous emission from a light source inside the cavity. Cavities can be ...
Peritoneal washing (abdominopelvic washing) is a procedure used to diagnose whether certain types of cancer are present in the peritoneal cavity—the space between the membranes that line the abdomen.
A newborn girl was referred to the otolaryngology service after prenatal imaging showed a right mandibular mass. Physical examination revealed a 1–2 cm mass along the right mandible with the ...
Graciela Piñeiro from the Universidad de la República and colleagues. “Additionally, their long-snouted skull is composed of very thin cranial bones, and it bears numerous needle-like, marginal teeth.
It travels from the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure in the inner ear, to the brainstem as part of the eighth cranial nerve. The other part of cranial nerve VIII, called the vestibular nerve, helps ...
The probe was moved from the cranial border (brachial muscles) to the caudal border (abdominal curtain sign) with special attention to the area of the heart. The marker was placed on the left side to ...
Each cavity is driven by a high-power klystron, which is a tube containing electron beams. The electron beams are intensity-modulated to a frequency of 400 MHz, or 400 million oscillations per second.