18 天
来自MSN生命急救 如何做好心肺复苏在我国,每年心脏性猝死人数高达54.4万,相当于每分钟就有1人发生心脏骤停 。可令人惋惜的是,院外心脏骤停的抢救成功率极低,仅有不到1%。这意味着大多数心脏骤停患者,因为身边人不懂急救,错失了宝贵的生命。 为更好普及心肺复苏(CPR)急救知识,让更多民众面对紧急情况不再手足无措,1月20日“国家急救日”到来之际,福州大学附属省立医院急诊科科主任、主任医师、副教授陈宏毅受邀来到《医生我想问·省立直播 ...
OneUp Components developed new Clip Pedals, and they are sure they might be your new favorite. OneUp says the new pedals are light enough for cross country but beefy and durable enough for downhill.
These plans empower bystanders to take action and call 911, start CPR, and use an AED. In schools with AEDs, children who experience cardiac arrest are seven times more likely to survive. “Every ...
Sheriff, will be offering free CPR and AED training. The training will be on Saturday, March 1 at 9 a.m. at the Ingham Co. Sheriff Office Training Center.
The firefighters perform high-quality CPR and apply the AED, which does not recommend a shock. Once the medics arrive, (about 2 minutes later), the monitor/defibrillator confirms the presence of ...