University of Wyoming students will have the opportunity to connect with potential employers in two career fairs on campus Wednesday, Feb. 12.
The University of Wyoming Alumni Association (UWAA) will honor the achievements of five recipients through its annual UWAA Awards during the Brown and Gold Alumni Banquet in April.
University of Wyoming alumnus Josh Allen just missed out on making the Super Bowl this year, but some viewers of Sunday’s big ...
STEM-ology, a monthly series of themed science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) events for all ages, kicks off this month at the University of Wyoming, with events including Toddler ...
The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees will hold its regular teleconference meeting Wednesday, Feb. 19. The meeting will begin with an executive session at 8 a.m. The public session, expected ...
Brianna Hauke, a master’s student studying atmospheric science at the University of Wyoming, has been awarded the inaugural Marian H. Rose Research Scholarship from the Society of Physics Students ...
Makerspace Magic” is the theme of the monthly Makerspace Celebrate and Create program from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11, in the University of Wyoming Innovation Network (UWIN) Make-IT Lab, located in the ...
The University of Wyoming has received a major gift of $500,000 from the estate of the late William “Bill” Kruggel to support Wind River Indian Reservation high school graduates.
Wildlife managers, scientists and conservationists have a more complete ecological map of the American West with the release ...
A fair for the hospitality, tourism and outdoor recreation industries will take place from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13, in the University of Wyoming College of Business atrium.
An occasional look at issues facing Wyoming business owners and entrepreneurs from the Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, a collection of business assistance programs at the ...
Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness” is the topic of a Wyoming Dementia Together (WDT) program Wednesday, Feb. 12.