“The Brutalist” is the third film directed by Brady Corbet. The film follows László Tóth (Adrien Brody), a brutalist architect who immigrates to the ...
Choosing between being locked in a cell or fighting on the front lines of a wildfire for the chance of a reduced sentence is not a fair choice. Incarcerated firefighters working 24-hour shifts for ...
When Tracy Dyson was pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in environmental science at the University of California, Irvine, in 1998, she received a call from ...
Two ASUCI Senators co-authored and presented controversial legislations at Nov. 16’s Senate meeting — one in support of bolstering due process for students accused ...
As the leaders of our hearts, K-pop group SEVENTEEN ’s mood-maker unit BooSeokSoon (BSS) telepathically connected the world with their second single album. The trio released “ Teleparty ” on Jan. 8, ...
Despite its celebration of traditional Puerto Rico’s sounds, the album is rife with tinges of heartbreak, as seen in tracks like “PIToRRO DE COCO” and “ BOKeTE .” “TURiSTA” is just the tip of the ...