In a seemingly reverse Titanic reenactment, the world’s largest iceberg is heading straight for a remote British territory—one teeming with sensitive wildlife.
Millions of seals and penguins are threatened by a very large iceberg drifting toward their remote island in the South Atlantic. The giant iceberg, named A23a, is the world's largest iceberg ever to ...
The world's largest iceberg looks set to collide with a group of remote islands in the southern Atlantic, risking the safety of wildlife in a region renowned for rich biodiversity that surpasses even ...
The world’s largest iceberg is still on the move and there are fears that it could be headed north from Antarctica towards the island of South Georgia.
A23a is steadily moving towards the remote British island. A23a, the world's largest iceberg, weighing more than one trillion tons, is set on a collision course with a remote British island off ...
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