Every year on January 24, India comes together to observe National Girl Child Day. This day is observed as a reminder about the rights, empowerment and equality of girls. This day was initiated by ...
Girls are leaders. Girls are change-makers. Girls are driving good and growth around the world. They are a fundamental source of transformational change for gender equality, and technology is a ...
We have handpicked some of the best captions for different occasions, moods, and styles that will go well with your photos, Stories, and Reels. So what are you waiting for? Pick any of these Instagram ...
Promise. Let's all just agree on this—thinking of something cool and fun and trendy (or whatever) to buy for a tween girl is intimidating. Between their ~attitudes~ and their, uh, scarily up-to ...
Women are mostly fashionistas who like to add a little bling and charm to everything they own. They even demand a smartphone that complements their personality and appears stylish in terms of ...