就显卡和CPU这些电脑硬件而言,国内特供版并不罕见,甚至一度成为“外人”眼红的香饽饽,只要性价比过关那就有可取之处。当然,特供版也从一开始的“特立独行”变成了眼下在国内捞金的惯例。此前“谣传”的RX 7650 GRE也成真了。 RX 7650 ...
NVIDIA已经发布了GeForce RTX 5090以及GeForce RTX 5080显卡,在性能上还算比较给力,通过DLSS 4能够带来超乎寻常的帧率表现,不过这两款显卡在售价上还是比较高昂,基本上属于那1%的用户才能享有。
Many major pharmacies have home delivery services that often cost no more than what you already pay for your medicine.
There is a $99 fee to return any mattress from Saatva. It used to be one of the only brands that has a return fee, but more ...
NVIDIA已经发布了RTX 50系显卡,包括RTX 5090以及RTX 5080显卡,相信大家已经看到了两款显卡的实际性能了,其中对于发烧友来说,无疑是RTX 5090显卡更加受到大家的欢迎,但是由于配给以及产能的原因。
国产化终成现实:独资模式对标特斯拉 ...
HEALTH workers in Sogeri, Central Province, now have a safe space to live while serving the rural community, thanks to a joint partnership that saw the completion of a three-bedroom house recently.