Finishing is a step that turns freshly poured concrete into a strong, smooth surface before it fully sets. Here’s how to do ...
Though compared to gardening forks and trowels, this is a little bit pricier, it can last a lifetime if you know how to opt for a high-quality one. Short-handled square shovels are the most ergonomic ...
Whether you’re shopping for garden tools online or at a retail store, there are overwhelming types and styles to choose from.
CUISINE & CULTUREELLEN PEFFLEYWinter months before spring chores resume is the perfect time to clean up and sharpen tools that are regularly used in the garden.Clean. Start preventative care of tools ...
Start preventative care of tools by removing residual dirt from wide-bladed implements like trowels, shovels, spades, digging forks, and hoes to prevent the onset of rust. Wash dirt off with water, ...
Make a 10% bleach solution. Mix one part bleach with nine parts water in a plastic container large enough to immerse all or ...
you'll likely need a shovel and some sand or dirt to manipulate the layout of the space. For the DIY itself, you'll need two plastic basins, a water pump and tubing, a liner, and flagstones.