"What makes this excavation particularly interesting is that we can trace the continuous development of urban life in this ...
Archaeological teams studied the area near Tafila and many Paleolithic localities were examined by members of different ...
Archaeologists have discovered potentially the world's oldest 3D map, carved into the floor of a rock shelter outside of ...
However, new findings suggest its purpose may have been far more complex. Scientific advances and new archaeological technologies revealed previously unknown aspects of the Great Wall ...
There is mounting evidence indicating that symbolic and abstract thought may have deep evolutionary origins and not just a ...
Is archaeology an art or a science? How much of the findings of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) from an excavation is factual and how much of it is subjective inference drawn from data?
Abdel-Ghaffar Wagdy, Director General of Luxor Antiquities, told Xinhua that the discoveries, supported by the Ministry, would "undoubtedly help attract more tourists." ...
The discovery of items which are thousands of years old, including pottery and a Neolithic house in Derry, have been revealed in a new publication. A report entitled, ‘Unearthed’, summarises some of ...
This month’s articles follow two main themes, highlighting the latest insights from the worlds of historic architecture and ...
The chamber of Cova de les Dones where an ancient Roman coin and inscriptions were found. Photo from A. Ruiz-Redondo, V. Barciela and X. Martorell In eastern Spain, researchers exploring the Cova de ...