Likewise a two-page internal intelligence report from last year indicating that the notorious boss of the Calabria mafia Ndrangueta was offering a “floor” of US$ 80.000 to anyone willing to ...
A mayor of a small Calabrian town was among 44 people arrested Wednesday in a probe into the suspected infiltration of local ...
The Mafia is “weaponizing” fire in the region for control and financial gain, said UC Berkeley researcher Lauren Pearson. She ...
The Palermo that we see through Battaglia’s eyes is a city in the midst of mafia killings. But, children are still running ...
Fast forward 100 years and you find an organisation well established in the small villages and cities of southern Calabria, a region suffering from the perception that southern Italy is different.
Nella terra delle ‘ndrine, nella profonda Calabria, le conversazioni “hard ... eolici con il bilancino dell’influenza della ‘ndrina di turno, con tanto di confini e numero di pale ...
Mafia e calcio, ultras e malavitosi ... Anche i venditori del piazzale di San Siro sono sotto controllo. Bellocco from ...
Elena Cosentino, producer and director of The Mafia's Secret Bunkers, on the making of the film. The filming in Calabria began in the middle of the night in a convoy, three cars packed with men in ...
Calabria and Campania, regions where southern Italy’s four major historical Mafias have their roots, said Vincenzo Linarello, the founder of GOEL, a network of farmers fighting Mafia influence.