Seek a student loan payment pause, and contact your college for aid Federal student loan borrowers can get a natural disaster forbearance, which pauses or reduces your payments for up to 90 days.
In a bid to save lives and property during natural calamities, Bicol Saro Party-list Rep. Brian Raymund Yamsuan has pitched for the creation of a national disaster map. In a bid to save lives and ...
A LAWMAKER has filed a bill that that mandates the development and issuance by the government of a national disaster map as a means to help save lives and mitigate losses from natural calamities.
an architect and civil engineer specialising in natural disaster mitigation. “So the floodwater will basically go underground, get into the subway and damage everything.” Paris’s public ...
AMELIA ISLAND, Fla. — The spectrum of emotions that surface in the aftermath of a natural disaster — anger, frustration, hope, pride among them — washed across Jeff Tucker's face as he reflected on a ...