Another improvement is spotted for It will soon be easier to unlink handsets The app has been regularly updated in recent ...
M icrosoft's Phone Link app acts as an interface between your smartphone and your Windows PC. You can use it to send or ...
Phone Link is a handy way to sync your Windows PC and your phone together, but sometimes Microsoft makes decisions that are ...
As reported by Windows Latest, removing a device from Phone Link hasn’t been an easy process. While it used to be possible to ...
Microsoft is reportedly testing a much better way for users to unlink their old phone from Phone Link in Windows 11.
这一情况的发生引起了微软的高度关注,经过多次内部讨论与技术评估,最新消息显示,Windows ...
It looks like there could soon be a way to unlink an Android or iPhone from Windows 11, according to new details.
Windows 11 的 Phone Link 应用一直为用户提供便捷的手机桌面访问功能,但自去年更新后,用户发现无法通过应用设置中的选项解绑已连接的手机。这一问题持续了约10个月,尽管微软收到了大量反馈,但至今仍未解决。 目前,用户在 Phone Link 应用的设置中找不到解绑手机的选项,即使在“设备”列表中能看到所有已连接的手机,也无法移除不再需要的设备。虽然可以注销账户、添加新设备或切换账 ...
But I've come to appreciate Windows 11's strengths over the past few years, and I'm pleased to report Microsoft has made good ...