An adult male Eastern Grey Kangaroo, also known as Macropus giganteus, is a formidable sight. These creatures, though often seen as cute and cuddly, can be quite intimidating, especially the males.
地球是一个奇迹摄影|捷克将国家地理中文网设为星标方能收到正常推送天赋异禀的玻璃艺术家利奥波德·布拉施卡(Leopold Blaschka)和鲁道夫·布拉施卡(Rudolf ...
They are quite difficult to tell apart but the one pictured above is from the Pacific depths off the coast of California and likely a member of Tactostoma macropus, the longfin dragonfish.
Some specialists too Not everyone was a mixed feeder at Naracoorte. The swamp wallaby and three short-faced kangaroos all had browsing diets. Two of these sthenurines, both from the genus ...
Aerial view Camels herd freely strolling among the sandy dunes at sunset in Dubai desert, United Arab Emirates. WS Gemsbok running in sunny desert, Namibia, Africa Gemsbok running in sunny desert, ...