Prior authorizations are the way MA managed care plans pre-approve some procedures before they’ll pay for them.
Health and Human Services websites and their health data are critical public resources and must remain free from political ...
After hours: February 7 at 4:20:00 PM EST Loading Chart for KALU ...
We have three generations of people in our family who have been using Kaiser, and all of us think it has been exceptional in its care. We have experiences with pediatrics, and departments of ...
You can request an "external review" from the Illinois Department of Insurance if your health insurance claim denial involved ...
States are investing in rural health, but most Southern states have long rejected federal Medicaid funds. That’s unlikely to ...
After three years on the wait list, Children’s canceled the 16-year-old's surgery hours before it was scheduled. "Losing ...
At a SuperSuds Laundromat just south of Washington, D.C., a steady stream of customers loaded clothes into washers and dryers on a recent Sunday morning, passing the time on their phones or watching ...
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Furthermore, the federal government refunds 90% of Medicaid expenses. Expanding coverage will bring more of Montana's federal taxes back home, where it boosts local economies. Insurance companies ...
There was virtually no coverage of one of our country's largest ... Eight long years ago, I sent a letter to the editor that was published in the Providence Journal calling Trump the "emperor ...