“If these young gentlemen, if these kids think they’re exercising power ... out of trouble for the next six months. All but four Hasidic Jewish students charged with digging a tunnel under ...
The author of “All Who Go Do Not Return” speaks with JTA about Hasidic culture, first transgressions and how a new generation of formerly haredi Orthodox Jews is defying stereotypes.
A Brooklyn judge on Monday berated a rebellious crew of Hasidic Jewish students charged ... “If these young gentlemen, if these kids think they’re exercising power over this court, they ...
Courtesy Frieda Vizel, An insider speaks up about Hasidic female head-shaving & more, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3NWewukpsg In many Hasidic Jewish ...
The Hasidic ideal is to live a hallowed life, in which even the most mundane action is sanctified. Hasidim live in tightly-knit communities (known as "courts") that are spiritually centered around ...
An outsider visiting a Hasidic neighborhood in Brooklyn is likely to be struck immediately by just how Hasidic it looks. The Hasidic parts of Crown Heights, Williamsburg, and Boro Park are lively ...
Vizel spent her first 25 years as a Satmar Hasidic Jew, before making the scandalous decision to take her young son away, leaving her family behind as she attempted to forge a secular existence.
Mendel Roth, Hasidic singer and son of the Shmore Emunim Rebbe, shares his reaction to his first hours in the new haredi "Hashmonaim" Brigade.
A New York judge strongly criticized the Hasidic students who were charged ... “If these young gentlemen, if these kids think they’re exercising power over this court, they are sadly mistaken." ...