Wholphin, a cross between a whale and a dolphin. Image by Mark Interrante from Silicon Valley, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons. The Ganges River dolphin, scientifically named Platanista ...
Wholphin, een kruising tussen een walvis en een dolfijn. Afbeelding door Mark Interrante uit Silicon Valley, VS, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. The Ganges River dolphin, scientifically named ...
The Ganga River basin has an estimated population of 3,936 Gangetic dolphins (with a standard error of 763), an endangered species, while 2,510 dolphins were sighted ...
River dolphins, particularly the Ganges river dolphin, are facing significant threats due to human activities and environmental changes. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these unique ...