Miss having cheesy popcorns in movie theatres or are just bored with the plain simple popcorn you get at home? Spice it up a bit with this recipe of easy cheesy homemade popcorn and more.
Commercially-produced ready-to-cook popcorn kernels are also available, sealed in bags that you just put in the microwave. To make popcorn, you’ll need a large pan with a tight-fitting lid.
Immediately tip the popcorn into a large bowl or a large roasting tray. Add the melted butter and salt, or icing sugar and cinnamon and stir to coat to your liking. To make the caramel coating (if ...
Caramel Bread Popcorn Recipe: Bread slices cut into cubes and tossed in caramel syrup - try out this yummy munchie for your next movie night. It also makes for a quick and easy snack for kids.
"We are movie night people in our house, so finding a product we could use to make our own movie theater popcorn at home is great!" exclaimed a final fan. "This bowl is super easy to use and clean ...