WARSAW (Reuters) - An underground tremor occurred early on Monday morning in Polish mining group PGG's Marcel coal mine in Radlin, southern Poland, the state-owned PAP news agency reported.
In September, a coal mine reopened in Utah’s Coal Country ... Coal jobs in Utah fell by half from the early 1980s to the 1990s. Some mines shuttered, while those that stayed open needed fewer ...
In the 1800s, people began using coal to heat their homes and power early locomotives and ships ... Currently, 25 states have coal mining operations in place. The term “coal stock” refers ...
Alberta’s government has quietly rescinded its moratorium on new coal exploration and development in the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. It’s a move critics say means the province has ...
Many male miners working underground joined the military early in the war and ... though he's away to assist on another coal mine for a few days. Ostanko says they met in middle school.
Trout aren’t just the quarry for a few anglers. They speak to us on the impacts of coal mining. Trout form our distant early warning indicators and are the bellwethers of danger. To ignore their ...