在相机行业持续激烈竞争的背景下,佳能近期发布了其2025年的产品路线图,预计将推出包括EOS R3 Mark II、EOS R6 Mark III与EOS R7 Mark II在内的新一代相机,此外还将有多款新镜头推出。这些新产品将继续推动佳能在无反相机市场的强劲表现。
However, many of the innovations of the R3 made their way into the R1 (and indeed the R5 Mark II). Does the R3, then, become the technology launchpad of the EOS R family? The camera that debuts the ...
根据目前的传闻来看,佳能预计在2025年发布以下几款相机和镜头: EOS R3 Mark II:预计将具备更强的自动对焦、改进的防抖性能以及更快的处理速度。
根据目前的传闻来看,佳能预计在2025年发布以下几款相机和镜头: EOS R3 Mark II:预计将具备更强的自动对焦、改进的防抖性能以及更快的处理速度。 EOS R6 Mark III:预计将于明年第一季度发布。该机型将搭载与EOS R3相同的2410万像素传感器,并配备DIGIC加速器。
The Canon Speedlite EL-10 builds on the success of the 430EX III-RT, repurposed for the latest EOS R system cameras.
EOS price analysis confirmed an upward market trend at $0.9971. Cryptocurrency gained 15.96% in value from the previous close. EOS coin prices are seeking support at $0.968. On January 17, 2025, EOS ...
据最新传闻称,佳能2025年将会发布一系列新产品,包括相机和镜头,其中包括EOS R3后续机、佳能复古造型相机以及多款RF镜头等,让我们拭目以待。
Canon continues to command a huge market share of the camera industry and for good reason: it makes some of the best mirrorless, DSLR and compact cameras available. As such, there's no single ...
The new Canon EOS R5 Mark II brings a slew of advanced features. But, is it worth your time and investment? Here's a look at ...
在众多摄影爱好者翘首以待的期待中,佳能传出消息,旗下新品EOS R6 III预计将于明年3月正式亮相。每年举行的CP+展会虽然在2月下旬吸引众多厂商发布新机,但佳能显然选择错峰发布的策略,确保在市场上占据有利地位。 EOS 6系机型一向是佳能全画幅市场中的明星选手,近年来销售表现可圈可点。为了应对市场需求并保证仓库库存,佳能似乎已经开始提前生产EOS R6 III。再加上EOS R1和EOS R5 ...