Do yourself a favor: Drink it from an orange cup. Piqueras-Fiszman and her colleagues ... So next time you're out to dinner and order a hot chocolate, be sure to ask for it in an orange mug.
Additionally, drinking between zero and one cup of decaffeinated coffee was associated with a decreased risk for oral cavity cancer. However, the researchers did find that drinking more than one ...
Microplastics are very much in discussion these days because they can be very harmful to our health. When we pour any hot drink, like coffee or hot water, into these cups, very small particles of ...
So drinking almost about 3 cups or more of green tea daily would be beneficial. The study further explained that green tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, especially a ...
YOUR morning alarm goes off, you drag yourself out of bed, make your way downstairs and then… what? For nearly all of us, the first thing we do is make ourselves a drink. And there is one drink ...