Check out workshops on rose care, fruit tree pruning and making your home and garden more water efficient. Fruit tree pruning ...
January and February are prep months for gardeners - use this time to plan, prune, and plant early crops so your garden ...
The pretty flowers are a great addition to your garden, and if you want them to thrive this spring, then you'll need to put ...
You see many insecticides are formulated for killing thrips on roses, but you are not sure about their effects, right? This is understandable because you haven’t used it once. If so, just choose the ...
Attractive roses can enhance the beauty of your garden, but it’s difficult to grow. If you want to have good blooms of roses, add the right compost to this type of flower. This solution can provide ...
My favorite climbing rose also happens to be one that is very easy to care for: the gorgeously fragrant Zephirine Drouhin climbing rose ... making them fairly compact and suitable for a smaller garden ...
Spring is just around the corner and now is the perfect time to ensure your roses grow strong and healthy as the weather warms up - a leading garden ladder expert explains how ...
So, if you're taking care of your prize roses in extreme heat ... One serious mistake to avoid if you want long-lasting roses in the garden is pruning them incorrectly. Aside from eliminating dying, ...
There are plenty of gardening jobs that need to be done before spring begins, but taking a few moments to tend to roses in ...
No plant is more flexible, more versatile, and more fun than the rose in all its myriad forms. Southern gardeners now have access to a broader selection of easy-care roses than ever. Widely available ...